Working Together to Cultivate Sustainable and Healthy Communities in Fairfield County


Learn about our current initiatives and what Fairfield Forward is doing


Resources, links, documents and guides for the Fairfield community.


You’re invited to join our efforts in the prosperity and health of Fairfield County


We cannot do this work alone. Please donate to assist our mission.

Moving Fairfield Forward!

We are a community that cares about each other; where we live, learn, work, and play.

Building a healthy community by providing local resources and opportunities through advocacy, funding, and partnerships. Our vision is to work with our partners to transform Fairfield County into a healthy community.

A Healthy Community is one where all residents have access to: a quality education, safe and healthy, adequate employment, transportation, physical activity, good nutrition, and quality health care. (Definition courtesy of UNLV)


Cooperative Health Virtual Care

Experience excellent health care services virtually without traveling far orwaiting in the doctor’s office, saving you valuable time and money.Virtual Care specializes in managing chronic conditions for patients ages 18-64. This service is free of charge for Fairfield...

Need Help Now?

For a medical emergency, please call 911.

If you or someone you know is experiencing a mental health crisis, call 1.833.364.2274 to contact DMH Mobile Crisis, a statewide service that provides on-site emergency mental health screening, assessment, and referral, as appropriate, 7 days a week, with the Mobile Crisis team to meet the psychiatric needs of the residents of South Carolina.